Posts under "John Wesley, Holiness, and the Church of the Nazarene"

John Wesley Says God Can’t

September 1st, 2019 / 10 Comments

My recent book, God Can’t, makes the claim God can’t do some activities. Although this strikes some as unprecedented, John Wesley said it before I did. God Can’t in the Bible Biblical writers said “God can’t” before John Wesley and me. In various books and blogs, I’ve listed biblical passages that explicitly say God can’t […]

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The Best is Yet to Be?

January 1st, 2017 / No Comments

The idea that life could get better strikes some as naïve. With recent elections, wars and their chaotic aftermath, looming ecological disasters, and more, it seems absurd that things can get better.  Some even say things inevitably getting worse. I disagree. The Pessimists Pessimists will admit that improvement of a certain sort can be made.  […]

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My Response to John Sanders

December 12th, 2016 / 5 Comments

In an article published recently in the Wesleyan Theological Journal, John Sanders raises concerns about and criticizes my theological proposals in The Uncontrolling Love of God. In this essay, I answer his criticisms and explain my views in greater depth. Introduction The problem of evil is conundrum for those who believe in God. Unsolved, it […]

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