Posts under "...and the Kitchen Sink"

Learning How to See… in Photographs

September 5th, 2024 / No Comments

For his “Learning to See” podcast, Brian McLaren of the Center for Action and Contemplation interviewed photographers Thomas Jay Oord and Christy Lubbers Berghoef. Here’s a link to the interview. Much of the conversation revolved around Christy and Tom talking about experiences in nature as photographers. They told stories, discussed the effects of climate change, […]

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Answering Questions After the Trial

August 11th, 2024 / No Comments

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. After being found guilty at my queer church trial, I have been talking with news sources, radio (BBC), podcasts, and more. And there are more developments in the works. I’m writing this while in Britain. I’m living out of a backpack for a month as I travel […]

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Thomas à Kempis and Imitating God

October 16th, 2023 / No Comments

I’ve been working on an essay about what it might mean to imitate God. My argument will be that open and relational theology provides a helpful framework to make sense of this idea. The classical theism of Augustine and others does not help. Here’s an excerpt of my argument for why Thomas à Kempis is […]

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Divine Glory Be Damned!

September 23rd, 2022 / 4 Comments

I’m writing an essay for a book on hell. Mine is among more than a dozen essays from various contributors. The book’s overall thread is a rejection of the traditional idea of hell. I’m arguing that relentless love is God’s glory. This stands in stark contrast to a widespread view that hell glorifies God. A […]

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“Another Love Book?”

July 14th, 2022 / No Comments

I recently gave a lecture in Vancouver, BC at an event co-hosted by Vancouver School of Theology and St. Andrews Wesley United Church. In my lecture, I explored seven obstacles to love and how we might overcome them. My book, Pluriform Love, provided the details for my arguments. Of the 25+ books I’ve written or […]

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A Thanksgiving Prayer to an Uncontrolling God

November 15th, 2020 / 14 Comments

The uncontrolling love view has positive implications for prayer at Thanksgiving. Thanking an uncontrolling God makes a lot of sense. Thanking a controlling God doesn’t. Each November, Americans gather to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Words of thanks sometimes enter the public news or get expressed at civic gatherings too. It’s natural to wonder, “What do […]

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Tripp Fuller’s Open and Relational Christology

October 27th, 2020 / 3 Comments

Tripp Fuller’s book Divine Self-Investment: an Open and Relational Constructive Christology makes an important contribution to understanding Jesus of Nazareth. In this essay, I summarize Fuller’s book. I show how he affirms Jesus as a special expression of divine self-investment. As one who joins Fuller in embracing an open and relational theological vision, I am […]

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