Posts under "Uncategorized"

After Certainty and Absolute Mystery

April 14th, 2024 / 2 Comments

In our book God After Deconstruction, Tripp Fuller and I explore the problems of both certainty and absolute mystery. The loss of certainty is common among most deconstruction stories. But the alternative — absolute mystery — makes almost as little sense. Our experience and the experiences of others—in multifarious forms—provide reasons to believe in God. […]

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Doubt and Deconstruction

November 12th, 2023 / 12 Comments

Tripp Fuller and I are writing a book, doing a podcast class, and holding an in-person lecture tour on the theme, “God After Deconstruction.” Doubt is a common thread among the deconstruction stories we hear. Here’s a draft of our book-in-progress that explores certainty, doubt, and deconstruction. Biblical Certainty Sarah grew up in a “Bible-believing” household. […]

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