Posts under "Open and Relational Theology"

The God I Reject

June 8th, 2021 / 2 Comments

In my new book, I explain what it means to say God is open and relational. But I also identify views of God that I reject. To avoid getting lost in the weeds, I use the label “conventional God” for a host of views open and relational thinkers oppose. Under this one label rests a […]

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Who is Open and Relational?

May 13th, 2021 / 11 Comments

     For several decades, I’ve opted to identify a few basic ideas that comprise the umbrella I call “open and relational theology.” Under that umbrella stand many people, movements, and claims. I’ve described this theology in my new book, Open and Relational Theology: An Introduction to Life-Changing Ideas. It will be available this summer.      Open […]

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Life (and God) is Like a Movie

April 14th, 2021 / No Comments

My new book introduces open and relational theology to the general public. The manuscript is currently in the review stage. But here’s an excerpt to give you a taste! TIME Before the digital age, movie-makers shot movies on film. A filmstrip comprising single images moved rapidly through a projector’s light beam. Although images were static, […]

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God as Emotional Friend

March 31st, 2021 / 3 Comments

“God experiences emotions.” Open and relational theologians believe this statement is true. But it carries baggage. What do they mean by it? I’m nearly finished writing a book introducing open and relational theology. I write in an accessible way and explain the basic ideas. It should help both newbies and vets to identify the core […]

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Why We Embrace Open and Relational Theology

February 15th, 2021 / 7 Comments

I’m writing a book introducing open and relational theology. It’s aimed at the general public and for use in classrooms, small groups, and personal enrichment. Early in the book, I list reasons people are attracted to open and relational theology. Many of the reasons come from posts on social media. Whole books have been written […]

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Open Theism and Divine Limitations

December 9th, 2020 / 4 Comments

In his book The Future of Open Theism: From Antecedents to Opportunities (IVP Academic 2020), Richard Rice does a myriad of helpful things. He reports on the origins of open theology, describes contemporary debates among open theists, and looks at where open theism might move in the future. Rice rightly calls openness theology a “paradigm […]

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A Thanksgiving Prayer to an Uncontrolling God

November 15th, 2020 / 14 Comments

The uncontrolling love view has positive implications for prayer at Thanksgiving. Thanking an uncontrolling God makes a lot of sense. Thanking a controlling God doesn’t. Each November, Americans gather to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Words of thanks sometimes enter the public news or get expressed at civic gatherings too. It’s natural to wonder, “What do […]

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