Posts under "Postmodern Philosophy, Theology, and Culture"

God’s Essence-Experience Binate

August 13th, 2018 / 6 Comments

Many thoughtful believers wonder how best to talk both about God’s steadfast stability and relational flexibility. Unfortunately, even some of the best thinkers end up sacrificing one to affirm the other. Unchangingly Perfect For much of  history, trained theologians in the Abrahamic faiths have sacrificed God’s relational flexibility in their desire to emphasize God’s stability. […]

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Relentless Love in the Afterlife

July 2nd, 2018 / 15 Comments

In the book I’m currently writing, I address the question of heaven, hell, annihilation, and the afterlife. I take the logic of uncontrolling love to its eschatological end. And this process has led me to coin a label for my view, Relentless Love. The Usual Afterlife Theories The logic of uncontrolling love changes the way […]

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The Best is Yet to Be?

January 1st, 2017 / No Comments

The idea that life could get better strikes some as naïve. With recent elections, wars and their chaotic aftermath, looming ecological disasters, and more, it seems absurd that things can get better.  Some even say things inevitably getting worse. I disagree. The Pessimists Pessimists will admit that improvement of a certain sort can be made.  […]

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Renewing Christian Theology

December 6th, 2015 / 2 Comments

Amos Yong’s new book, Renewing Christian Theology: Systematic for a Global Christianity, is simply excellent! Yong is among the leading Pentecostal theologians at work today, if not the leading Pentecostal theologian. The breadth and depth of his theological work is, as far as I know, unparalleled. In this book, Yong uses a broader moniker, however, […]

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