Latest Blog Entries

Queer Deconstruction

January 30th, 2024 / No Comments

Tripp Fuller and I have spent much of the last ten days recording discussions for a class called God After Deconstruction. It’s a “pay what you can” class, and we encourage you to sign up. Tripp and I are also organizing in-person God After Deconstruction conferences, the first of which is February 9-10 at Drew […]

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Why We Deconstruct: Evolution, COVID, & Climate Change

January 10th, 2024 / 1 Comment

Tripp Fuller and I are writing a project we’re calling God After Deconstruction. We’re doing an online class starting soon on the subject, and we encourage you to sign up for it. We’re also organizing in-person God After Deconstruction conferences, the first of which is February 9-10 at Drew University in New Jersey. The second […]

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Doubt and Deconstruction

November 12th, 2023 / 12 Comments

Tripp Fuller and I are writing a book, doing a podcast class, and holding an in-person lecture tour on the theme, “God After Deconstruction.” Doubt is a common thread among the deconstruction stories we hear. Here’s a draft of our book-in-progress that explores certainty, doubt, and deconstruction. Biblical Certainty Sarah grew up in a “Bible-believing” household. […]

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Thomas à Kempis and Imitating God

October 16th, 2023 / No Comments

I’ve been working on an essay about what it might mean to imitate God. My argument will be that open and relational theology provides a helpful framework to make sense of this idea. The classical theism of Augustine and others does not help. Here’s an excerpt of my argument for why Thomas à Kempis is […]

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Is the World Eternal? Does it Predate God?

September 29th, 2023 / 6 Comments

For more than a decade, I’ve argued that theists should reject the idea God creates something from nothing (creatio ex nihilo). I often explain why and offer an alternative view of God’s creating: creatio ex creatione sempiternalis in amore. You can find my arguments in the recently published T&T Clark Handbook on Suffering and the […]

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Everlasting Creating and Essential Love

September 15th, 2023 / No Comments

The T&T Clark Handbook of Suffering and the Problem of Evil has just been published. Editors Matthias Grebe and Johannes Grossl have an all-star lineup of writers contributing to this volume, a book with 80 chapters! Here’s a link. My contribution is called “Everlasting Creating and Essential Love.” To give you a taste of my […]

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Three Bold Moves

September 5th, 2023 / No Comments

I recently gave a talk in Oxford at the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion. My lecture, “Three Bold Moves to Make Sense of God’s Love,” was well attended and well received. I thank my fellow session presenters Lina Langby and Philip Goff for the great interaction and the session chair, Fiona Ellis. Below […]

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