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February 24th, 2023 / No Comments

I’m working on the final chapter of a new book called, The Death of Omnipotence… and Birth of Amipotence. In previous blogs, I’ve identified reasons we should stop saying God is omnipotent. The final chapter in this new book explains the word “amipotence.” Amipotence combines two Latin words ami and potens. The first means “love,” […]

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God’s Nature Qualifies Omnipotence

February 10th, 2023 / 3 Comments

As part of a book I’m writing called The Death of Omnipotence …and Birth of Amipotence, I’m devoting a whole chapter to the qualifications scholars make to omnipotence. The chapter is called “Death by a Thousand Qualifications.” As the title of the chapter suggests, I note thousands of qualifications necessary to make any sense of […]

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Omnipotence Qualified

January 2nd, 2023 / 6 Comments

I’m writing a book on why we should reject the idea God is omnipotent. In a previous blog, I said scripture does not support omnipotence. Hebrew and Greek words often translated as “almighty” in English have been mistranslated. And the meaning of omnipotence is not in the Bible. Greatest Conceivable Being? Since the writings of […]

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Omnipotence Not in Scripture

November 27th, 2022 / 6 Comments

I’m currently writing a book that rejects the doctrine of divine omnipotence. I’ll suggest a replacement I call divine amipotence – the power of love. I introduced the writing project in this previous blog essay. One chapter in my book addresses God’s power described in what Christians call the Old and New Testaments. I’ll argue […]

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The Death of Omnipotence

November 16th, 2022 / 11 Comments

The title of my new book is “The Death of Omnipotence… and Birth of Amipotence.” As the title suggests, I argue that God is not omnipotent. But instead of simply saying, “God can’t do…,” I propose a view of divine power I think is more biblically supported, philosophically coherent, and experientially justified. I call this […]

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A Theology of Love – 50 Years Later

October 28th, 2022 / No Comments

Fifty years ago, a little-known theologian named Mildred Bangs Wynkoop published a provocative book. That book, A Theology of Love: The Dynamic of Wesleyanism, still sparks conversation and controversy today. It presents a powerful argument for love as Christian theology’s priority. Love as Central The first third of A Theology of Love offers the heart of Wynkoop’s […]

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Divine Glory Be Damned!

September 23rd, 2022 / 4 Comments

I’m writing an essay for a book on hell. Mine is among more than a dozen essays from various contributors. The book’s overall thread is a rejection of the traditional idea of hell. I’m arguing that relentless love is God’s glory. This stands in stark contrast to a widespread view that hell glorifies God. A […]

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